Local Campground Offers Free Cabins/Campers to Nurses, Doctors, and First Responders Who Don’t Feel Comfortable Being Around Their Families.
A campground owner in Litchfield has offered to provide housing at no charge to nurses, doctors, and first responders who are not able to be near their families in response due to the threat of Covid-19.
Lelah Campo, owner of Cozy Hills Campground, has recognized that nurses and doctors from Charlotte Hungerford Hospital, New Milford Hospital and local nursing homes have been asked to work with the public and put themselves (and possibly their families) at risk. They’ve found themselves having to disinfect and reuse safety equipment and trying to shower and change clothes several times a day just to keep themselves, their families, and the public safe. Many are finding it very hard to return home at the end of the day without jeopardizing loved ones and have resorted to buying RV’s and staying in the driveway of their family home.
“I’ve been told that many medical professionals are feeling they are risking their family’s health right now”, Lelah stated. “In occurred to me that we have nine rental units available where doctors and nurses can sleep, eat, shower, and not worry about exposing anyone to Covid-19”. “We have cabins and campers that are not currently being used, where people can have a comfortable stay, yet stay socially distanced and not put anyone else at risk”. “We’ll provide key cards and set things up so that they have no need to interact with others.” “The units have not been used since October and we’ll make sure that they are safe and sanitary for whoever uses them”, she went on to say.
Ms. Campo would like local doctors and nurses to feel free to contact her if they need a convenient, comfortable place to stay for “a few weeks”.
Cabins and Campers we are offering
For more information, email Lelah Campo at lcampo@www.cozyhills.com or call 860-567-8117.